Home Care Nursing


Prof. Matsumoto

Current Research Projects

  1. Study on family caregiver of home care elderly people
  2. Study on Successful Aging of elderly people
  3. Study on lifetime phase care of elderly people
  4. International comparative study (international project) about the family of elderly people with dementia of the East Asia area

Recent Selected Publications

  • Difficulties Faced by Critical Care Nurses Involved in Family DNAR Decision-Making, Mika Moriyama, Misae Ito, Keiko Matsumoto, Journal of Japan Society for End-of-Life Care, 3(1), 3-13, 2019
  • The Meaning of ‘Assertion’ for Mothers of Children/Persons with severe motor and intellectual disabilities at home from School-Age to Young Adulthood, Yoshimi Tsunekuni, Keiko Matsumoto, Japanese Journal of Research in Family Nursing,24(1), 26-40, 2018
  • Review on the Elements Related to the Development of End of Life Care Quality Evaluation Index that Enriches the Final Years of the Elderly, Keiko Matsumoto, Hrue Masaki, Nobuko Kawai, Miyoko Kuwata, Sachiko Yoshioka, Midori Nishiyama, Saori Sakai, Keiko Endo, Ryouko Uchino, Yoshie Hayashi, Megumi Teshima, Hiroko Nagae, J Nurs Patient Care. 19,2(2).doi:10.4172/2573-4571.1000118, 2017

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