Evolutionary genomics lab


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竹崎直子 (教授)


  1. ゲノム進化 
  2. 脊椎動物の系統関係
  3. 人類進化
  4. 系統樹作成
  5. 分子時計

  1. 「分子進化と分子系統学」根井正利/S. クマー共著 根井正利監訳・改訂 大田竜也・竹崎直子共訳
  2. 博士課程大学院生募集
  4. ポスドク研究員として来られたい方はご連絡ください
  5. 履歴
  6. 学会活動
  7. Publication list
  8. 配布ソフトウェア
博士課程大学院生募集 香川大学大学院医学系研究科 (博士課程)担当
興味のある方はお問い合わせください。 履歴


1984年3月 東京大学教育学部教育心理学科卒業
1988年4月 ブリガムヤング大学社会学部修士課程入学
1989年9月 ユタ大学人類学部修士課程入学
1991年6月 ユタ大学人類学部修士課程修了
1991年8月 ペンシルバニア州立大学遺伝学専攻博士課程入学
1996年5月 ペンシルバニア州立大学遺伝学専攻博士課程修了


1984年4月ー1988年3月 富士通株式会社勤務
1996年9月ー1999年3月 国立遺伝学研究所技術補佐員
1999年4月ー2000年8月 総合研究大学院大学非常勤講師
2003年11月―2004年8月 国立遺伝学研究所生命情報・DDBJ研究センター科学技術振興研究員
2004年9月― 香川大学総合情報基盤センター・教授
2007年4月― 香川大学総合生命科学研究センター・教授
2008年9月― 葉山高等研究センター・研究員


Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution
2005年7月- Associate Editor of Molecular Biology and Evolution

Publication list

  1. Tateno, Y., N. Takezaki, and M. Nei. 1994. Relative efficiencies of the maximum likelihood, neighbor-joining, and maximum parsimony methods when substitution rate varies with site. Mol. Biol. Evol. 11:261-277.
  2. Nei, M. and N. Takezaki. 1994. Estimation of genetic distances and phylogenetic trees from DNA analysis.
  3. Proc. 5th World Cong. Genet. Appl. Livestock Prod. 21:405-412.
  4. Takezaki, N. and M. Nei. 1994. Inconsistency of the maximum parsimony method when the rate of nucleotide substitution is constant. J. Mol. Evol. 39:210-218.
  5. Tajima, F. and N. Takezaki. 1994. Estimation of evolutionary distance for reconstructing molecular phylogenetic trees. Mol. Biol. Evol. 11:278-286.
  6. Redd, A. J., N. Takezaki, S. T. Sherry, S. T. McGarvey, A. M. M. Sofro, and M. Stoneking. 1995. Evolutionary history of the COII/tRNALys intergenic 9 base pair deletion in human mitochondrial DNAs from the Pacific. Mol. Biol. Evol. 12:604-615.
  7. Russo, C., N. Takezaki, and M. Nei. 1995. Molecular phylogeny and divergence time of drosophilid species. Mol. Biol. Evol. 12:391-404.
  8. Nei, M., N. Takezaki, and T. Sitnikova. 1995. Assessing molecular phylogenies. Science 267:253-254.
  9. Takezaki, N., A. Rzhetskey, and M. Nei. 1995. Phylogenetic test of the molecular clock and linearized trees. Mol. Biol. Evol. 12:823-833.
  10. Nei, M. and N. Takezaki. 1996. The root of the phylogenetic tree of human populations. Mol. Biol. Evol. 13:170-177.
  11. Russo, C., N. Takezaki, and M. Nei. 1996. Efficiencies of different genes and different tree-building methods in recovering a known vertebrate phylogeny. Mol. Biol. Evol. 13:525-536.
  12. Takezaki, N. and M. Nei. 1996. Genetic distances and reconstruction of phylogenetic trees from microsatellite DNA. Genetics 144: 389-399.
  13. Nei, M. and N. Takezaki. 1996. Reconstruction of phylogenetic trees from microsatellite (STR) loci. Animal Genetics 27:1-16.
  14. Takezaki, N. 1998. Tie trees generated by distance methods of phylogenetic reconstruction. Mol. Biol. Evol 15:727-737.
  15. Takezaki, N. and T. Gojobori. 1999. Correct and incorrect vertebrate phylogenies obtained by the entire mitochondrial DNA sequences. Mol. Biol. Evol 15:727-37
  16. Suzuki, H., K. Tsuchiya and N. Takezaki. 2000. A molecular phylogenetic framework for the Ryukyu endemic rodents Tokusdaia osimensis and Diplothrix legata. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 15:15-24.
  17. Nagl, S., H. Tichy, W. E. Mayer, N. Takezaki, N. Takahata, and J. Klein. 2000. The origin and age of haplochromine fishes in Lake Victoria, east Africa. Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 267:1049-61.
  18. Figueroa F., W. E. Mayer, H. Sultmann, C. O'hUigin, H. Tichy, Y. Satta, N. Takezaki, N. Takahata, and J. Klein. 2000. Mhc class II B gene evolution in East African cichlid fishes. Immunogenetics 51: 556-75.
  19. Sultman, H., A. Sato, B. W. Murray, N. Takezaki, R. Geisler, G. Rauch, and J. Klein. 2000. Conservation of Mhc Class II Region Synteny between zebrafish and human as determined by radiation hybrid mapping. Journal of Immunology 165:6984-6993.
  20. Takezaki, N., Z. Zaleska-Rutczynska, and F. Figueroa. 2002. Sequencing of amphioxus PSMB5/8 gene and phylogenetic position of agnathan sequences. Gene 282:179-187.
  21. Uinuk-Ool, T. S., N. Takezaki, R. I. Sukernik, S. Nagl, and J. Klein. 2002. Origin and affinities of indigenous Siberian populations as revealed by HLA class II gene frequencies. Hum. Genet. 110: 209-226.
  22. Takezaki, N., F. Figueroa, Z. Zaleska-Rutczynska, and J. Klein. 2003. Molecular phylogeny of early vertebrates: Monophyly of the agnathans as revealed by sequences of 35 genes. Mol. Biol. Evol. 20:287-292.
  23. Sato, A. , N. Takezaki, H. Tichy, F. Figueroa, W. E. Mayer, and J. Klein. 2003. Origin and speciation of Haplochromine fishes in East African crater lakes investigated by the analysis of their mtDNA, Mhc Genes, and SINEs. Mol. Biol. Evol. 20:1448-62.
  24. Uinuk-Ool, T. S., W. E. Mayer, A. Sato, N. Takezaki, L. Benyon, M. D. Cooper, and J. Klein. Identification and characterization of a TAP-family gene in the lamprey. 2003. Immunogenetics 55(1):38-48.
  25. Sato, A., T. S. Uinuk-Ool, N. Kuroda, W. E. Mayer, N. Takezaki, R. Dongak, F. Figueroa, and M. D. Cooper, J. Klein. Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) of jawed and jawless fishes: implications for its evolutionary origin. 2003. Dev. Comp. Immunol. 27:401-12.
  26. Tozaki, T., N. Takezaki, T. Hasegawa, N. Ishida, M. Kurosawa, M. Tomita, N. Saitou, and H. Mukoyama. 2003. Microsatellite variation in Japanese and Asian horses and their phylogenetic relationship using a European horse outgroup. J. Hered. 94 :374-80.
  27. T.S. Uinuk-ool, N. Takezaki, N. Kuroda, F. Figueroa, A. Sato, I. E. Samonte, W. E. Mayer and J. Klein. 2003. Phylogeny of antigen processing enzymes: Cathepsins of a cephalochordate, an agnathan and a bony fish. Scand. J. Immunol. 58 :436-48.
  28. Terai, Y. , N. Takezaki, W. E. Mayer, H. Tichy, N. Takahata, J. Klein, and N. Okada. 2004. Phylogenetic relationships among East African haplochromine fishes as revealed by short interspersed elements (SINEs). J. Mol. Evol. 54: 64-78.
  29. Uinuk-Ool, T.S., N. Takezaki, O. A. Derbeneva, N. V. Volodko, and R. I. Sukernik. 2004. Variation of HLA class II genes in the Nganasan and Ket, two aboriginal Siberian populations. Eur. J. Immunogenet. 31: 43-51.
  30. Takezaki, N., F. Figueroa, Z. Zaleska-Rutczynska, N. Takahata, and J. Klein. 2004. The phylogenetic relationship of tetrapod, coelacanth, and lungfish revealed by the sequences of 44 nuclear genes. Mol. Biol. Evol. 21:1512-1523.
  31. Sato, A., R. Dongak, L. Hao, N. Takezaki, S. Shintani, T. Aoki, and J. Klein. 2006. Mhc class I genes of the cichlid fish Oreochromis niloticus. Immunogenetics. 58(11): 917-928.
  32. Nonaka, I., K. Minaguchi, and N. Takezaki. 2007. Y-chromosomal binary haplogroups in the Japanese population and their relationship to 16 Y-STR polymorphisms. Ann. Hum. Genet. 71(Pt 4):480-495.
  33. Tsuboi, K., N. Takezaki, and N. Ueda. 2007. The N-acylethanolamine-hydrolyzing acid amidase (NAAA). Chem. Biodivers. 4:1914-1925.
  34. Takezaki, N., and M. Nei. 2008. Empirical tests of the reliability of phylogenetic trees constructed with microsatellite DNA. Genetics. 178:384-392.
  35. Maruyama S, Minaguchi K, Takezaki N, Nambiar P. 2008. Population data on 15 STR loci using AmpF/STR Identifiler kit in a Malay population living in and around Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Leg. Med. 10(3):160-162.
  36. Maruyama S, Minaguchi K, Takezaki N, Nambiar P. 2008. Population data on 15 STR loci using AmpF/STR Identifiler kit in a Malay population living in and around Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Leg. Med. 10(3):160-162.
  37. Takezaki, N. and M. Nei. 2009. Genomic drift and evolution of microsatellite DNAs in human populations. Mol. Biol. Evol. 26:1835-1840.
  38. Takezaki, N., M. Nei, and K. Tamura. 2010. POPTREE2 : Software for constructing population trees from allele frequency data and computing other population statistics with Windows-interface. Mol. Biol. Evol. 27:747-752.
  39. Takezaki, N. Evolution of microsatellites. In. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester http://www.els.net/ [DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0022866]
  40. Takezaki, N., M. Nei, and K. Tamura. 2014. POPTREEW: web version of POPTREE for constructing population trees from allele frequency data and computing some other quantities. Mol. Biol. Evol. 31:1622-1644.
  41. Takezaki, N. and H. Nishihara. 2016. Resolving the phylogenetic position of coelacanth: The closest relative Is not always the most appropriate outgroup. Genome Biol Evol 8:1208-1221.
  42. Takezaki, N. and H. Nishihara. 2017. Support for lungfish as the closest relative of tetrapods by using slowly evolving ray-finned fish as the outgroup. Genome Biol Evol 9:93-101.
  43. Takezaki, N. 2017. CNVs and microsatellite DNA polymorphism. In. N. Saitou, Edior, Evolution of the Human Genome I, Springer, Tokyo, Japan. pp 143 - 155.
  44. Takezaki, N. 2018. Global rate variation in bony vertebrates. Genome Biol Evol 10:1803-1815.


  1. lintre
    • Program for making linearized trees (by re-estimating branch lengths under the assumption of constant rate of evolution) and testing the molecular clock for a given topology of a phylogenetic tree.
  2. poptree
  3. Poptree2
    • Software for construction of population trees from allele frequency data and computing other population statistics with Windows-interface
    • Program that computes average nucleotide substitutions within and between populations. The method is described in Nei and Jin (1989, MBE 6:290-300). However, note that sendbs computes standard errors of average nucleotide substitutions with a bootstrap method by resampling sites, which is different from Nei and Jin's method. Also, sensbs constructs a population tree with a neighbor-joining method.

教授 竹崎直子
TEL/FAX 087-891-2419
Email takezaki@med.kagawa-u.ac.jp