Library Guidance and Sessions

The library offers instruction in how to use the library and its many resources. Scheduled sessions available upon request are indicated below. However, we will try to tailor the session to your time and needs. Ask us five days prior in advance of the session you would like to take.
TEL: 087-891-2085 ext.2266

Wednesdays of the first week of the month What you will learn
@XFOO|@XFPT CiNiiiPTmin.j
@XFPT|@XFRT Igaku Chuo Zasshi(Japana Centra Revuo Medicina)iQOmin.j
@XFRT|@XFTO Catalog SearchiPTmin.j
@XFTO|POFPO PubMediQOmin.j
POFPT|POFRT ScopusiQOmin.j
POFRT|POFTO E-JournalsiPTmin.j
POFTO|PPFOO Document Delivery/Interlibrary LoaniPOmin.j
PPFOO|PPFQO RefWorksiQOmin.j
wednesdays of the third week of the month What you will learn
PSFPT|PSFRT Igaku Chuo Zasshi(Japana Centra Revuo Medicina)iQOmin.j
PSFRT|PSFTO Catalog SearchiPTmin.j
PTFPT|PTFRT ScopusiQOmin.j
PTFRT|PTFTO E-JournalsiPTmin.j
PTFTO|PUFOO Document Delivery/Interlibrary LoaniPOmin.j
PUFOO|PUFQO RefWorksiQOmin.j